Even though he was born into the activity in 1970, Bobby has been active in the square dance community since learning to dance in September 1978. In June 1982, he began his calling career with help from his father, Bob Poyner, along with many other local and national callers. Starting in late 1992, he taught his first beginner's class and has maintained at least one class every year since. Throughout his career as a caller, Bobby has traveled to many states as well as overseas to do square dances. He maintains a full-time calling program at home while traveling part time throughout the Midwest region and nationally doing dances, weekends, festivals and conventions. Bobby currently calls Basic through A2 and is available for private parties, one-niters, lessons, workshops, dances, weekends, festivals and conventions.
- June 11, 2022 -
A special thank you to the 115 dancers that came out to help Bobby celebrate 35 years as a caller!! It was a great evening from start to finish with 14 squares filling the entire hall. A huge thank you to Curt Braffet for sharing his talent and putting that special touch on a fantastic dance....
2016 Inductee
to the
State Council of Illinois Square Dance Associations
Hall of Fame
State Council of Illinois Square Dance Associations
Special Recognition Award
- Saturday, July 27, 2013 -
Attending and Contributing to All 30
Illinois Square and Round Dance Conventions
1984 - 2013
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Roselle, IL
What a night!! Saturday night was a truly unbelievable and moving moment
in my life! 18+ squares turned out for my 30th Anniversary as a SD Caller! I
would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every dancer, caller and
cuer who came out to celebrate the occasion. A very special thank you goes out
to the Yellowrockers & Oceanwaves for hosting the nights event!! I appreciate
all the work that the two clubs did to make the evening extremely special!! All the
cards, notes and photos will help keep that night forever in my memory!!!!
Roselle, IL
What a night!! Saturday night was a truly unbelievable and moving moment
in my life! 18+ squares turned out for my 30th Anniversary as a SD Caller! I
would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every dancer, caller and
cuer who came out to celebrate the occasion. A very special thank you goes out
to the Yellowrockers & Oceanwaves for hosting the nights event!! I appreciate
all the work that the two clubs did to make the evening extremely special!! All the
cards, notes and photos will help keep that night forever in my memory!!!!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Lombard, IL
I would like to take a moment and thank every one of you that came to
Oceanwaves on Friday night to help celebrate the start of my 25th year as a
caller. It was a very special night from start to finish and words can not
express how great it was to have so many people there that have supported me
through the years. It's hard from a callers stand point to get around to
everyone and thank them in a two hour dance, so I want to thank all the dancers for
coming out to my 25th Anniversary dance!!
I have been to many places in this country and overseas all from square
dance calling. It is one of the best jobs anyone could have and I am glad that
I decided to give it a try 25 years ago. I have said this many times before and
I will say it again, I could not imagine my life without square dancing. I was
born into this activity, my children will now be born into it and I will be in
this activity for as long as it lets me.
Lombard, IL
I would like to take a moment and thank every one of you that came to
Oceanwaves on Friday night to help celebrate the start of my 25th year as a
caller. It was a very special night from start to finish and words can not
express how great it was to have so many people there that have supported me
through the years. It's hard from a callers stand point to get around to
everyone and thank them in a two hour dance, so I want to thank all the dancers for
coming out to my 25th Anniversary dance!!
I have been to many places in this country and overseas all from square
dance calling. It is one of the best jobs anyone could have and I am glad that
I decided to give it a try 25 years ago. I have said this many times before and
I will say it again, I could not imagine my life without square dancing. I was
born into this activity, my children will now be born into it and I will be in
this activity for as long as it lets me.